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  • SDEP September Monthly Meeting

SDEP September Monthly Meeting

  • Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • 12:00 PM - 12:59 PM
  • Rock Bottom Brewery - La Jolla



Dr. Angus McGrath, Principal Geochemist, Stantec Consulting Services


Environmental Aspects of Shale Gas Development



$30 for members, $35 for non-members. Online registration will end at 5 pm on the Monday before the event. Walk-ins will be charged an additional $10.

Please note the change in the event date to the third Tuesday of the month - September 18th!


Domestic natural gas appears to be a cleaner burning, cheaper and safer alternative fuel that can bridge the gap between our current dependence on fossil fuel and the development of alternative sources of energy.  Shale gas exploration and extraction has led to significant controversy over the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and the processes associated with this method of gas extraction.  Dr. McGrath’s talk will introduce the steps involved in hydraulic fracturing and discuss their environmental implications.  The focus will be on recent publications that have raised questions concerning the potential for increased stray gas contamination of drinking water wells, the potential for contamination of drinking water from hydraulic fracturing fluids, and the generation of earthquakes from deep well injection of produced water.  Dr. McGrath will also answer questions regarding his experience working as an environmental consultant for energy companies in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania.

Speaker Information:

Angus McGrath is a principal at Stantec Consulting Services where he has worked for the past 15 years.  He has a Ph.D. in Soil Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  He was invited to participate in the Environmental Protection Agency’s workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing and has worked on shale gas issues over the past several years evaluating the isotopic geochemistry of stray gas, inorganic geochemistry of produced water and brine aquifers, and the groundwater chemistry of areas suspected with potential stray gas impacts.


Vegetarian Burger,
Brown Ale Chicken, or
Brewers Club

*Food is cooked to order, so please register for this event if you plan to attend. Walk-ins will have to wait for 20-30 minutes for their food to be prepared.

*Please note you will not be allowed to change your menu choice on the day of the event so that the kitchen staff can have your meal ready for you at the start of the meeting.


Please note the change in the event date to the third Tuesday of the month - September 18th!

Rock Bottom Brewery
8980 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037 


Directions from the North: Take I-5 or I-805 S to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn right off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Make your first left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Directions from the South: Take I-5 or I-805 N to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!

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