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  • July Luncheon - 2022 San Diego RWQCB Update

July Luncheon - 2022 San Diego RWQCB Update

  • Wednesday, July 06, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Admiral Baker Club House - 2400 Admiral Baker Rd, San Diego, CA 92124
  • 18


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Brian McDaniel, P.G. & David Gibson

California Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region


Status of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Investigations in the San Diego Region

PFAS is a family of more than 5,000 man-made and mostly unregulated chemicals that have been produced since the mid-1900s for the manufacture of a wide range of industrial and household products. They are mobile, persistent, and bioaccumulative. In 2019, the State Water Resources Control Board issued investigative orders requiring PFAS assessment at airports, chrome plating facilities, wastewater treatment plants, and landfills in our region. Additional investigative orders were issued in 2021 to bulk fuel storage terminals and refineries. Work is also ongoing with the Department of Defense to investigate PFAS sources at military installations. This is part of a statewide effort to evaluate PFAS groundwater and surface water impacts and obtain a preliminary understanding of PFAS concentrations at various facilities. The San Diego Water Board is overseeing compliance with these orders in our region. This presentation will provide a summary of the status of PFAS investigations in the San Diego Region.

Speaker Information:

Brian McDaniel, P.G. has worked almost 30 years for the San Diego Water Board in several programs, including Landfills, Department of Defense, and, most recently, Site Cleanup. He graduated from New Jersey City University in 1985 (BA Geoscience) and Sul Ross State University in 1992 (MS Geology). He has previously worked for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada and the National Park Service at Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico. Brian’s case management with the San Diego Water Board has resulted in the cleanup, closure, and restoration of the beneficial uses of groundwater at numerous sites in the San Diego Region.

Dave Gibson has 34 years of professional experience in water and wastewater quality, monitoring, assessment, restoration and protection. He graduated from SDSU in 1989 (BS in Biology). He has worked as an Entomologist and Watershed Biologist for the City of San Diego. In 1997, he founded the San Diego Stream Team and coordinated it until joining the San Diego Water Board in 2000. As an Environmental Scientist, he has worked in progressively more responsible roles in stormwater, monitoring and assessment, grants and loans award and administration, Basin Planning, wetlands restoration and protection, and enforcement. He was appointed Executive Officer in November 2009.


$40 for members, $50 for non-members.  Sign up by Friday, June 24 and save $5 on registration!  Walk-ins with no reservation will be charged an extra $10 and be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.

Please note that reservations will be invoiced regardless of attendance.

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price.


Admiral Baker Club House
2400 Admiral Baker Rd

San Diego, CA 92124

Job Postings:

Did you know that the SDEP has a job board? Members and non-members can post openings for their company on our website.  Visit for current listings, and contact Sean Leffler ( directly to add opportunities.

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