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  • SDEP April Field Trip - San Diego International Airport

SDEP April Field Trip - San Diego International Airport

  • Thursday, April 11, 2019
  • 11:15 AM - 1:59 PM
  • San Diego International Airport
  • 0


SDEP April Field Trip Luncheon:

San Diego International Airport Tour 

This event has sold out out.  Registrants will be contacted prior to the event to confirm their attendance.  Wait-list registrations will be notified if they are added to the tour.


Chad Reese, Environmental Affairs Manager in the Planning & Environmental Affairs department will present on the San Diego International Airport’s sustainability initiatives energy efficiency and renewable energy capital projects, waste reduction, clean transportation policy and initiatives, and behavior change programs

Speaker Information:

Chad Reese is an Environmental Affairs Manager at the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, the agency that manages the day-to-day operations of San Diego International Airport (SAN). As the sustainability program area lead at the Airport, Chad contributes to energy efficiency and renewable energy capital projects, waste reduction initiatives, clean transportation policy and projects, and behavior change programs including the Airport’s new “SAN Green Concessions Program” (a green business program specifically designed for Airport concessions tenants). Chad also manages “The Good Traveler” carbon offset program developed by the Airport, and is responsible for annual greenhouse gas emissions inventories and certification via Airport Council International’s “Airport Carbon Accreditation” program.  


Only on-line payment will be accepted for this event.  No credit cards or cash will be accepted at check-in on the tour.

$35 for members, $40 for non-members. 
Online registration will end at 5 pm on the Monday, April 8th.

(you'll never make it past security)

Tour Information:

The tour/presentation will run from 12pm until 2pm.  Please arrive by 11:15am-11:30am to have enough time to get through security.

Fill out the form upon registration COMPLETELY, including:

-Full Name (First, Middle, Last)
-Date of Birth
-Country of Citizenship


Lunch will be catered at the airport.  Please let us know if any dietary restrictions need to be accounted for.


Location:  San Diego International Airport

*Note: change in venue, day, and time:


SDCRAA Administration Building

3225 North Harbor Drive

San Diego, California 92101

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!

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