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  • SDEP January Monthly Meeting

SDEP January Monthly Meeting

  • Tuesday, January 11, 2011
  • 12:00 PM - 12:59 PM
  • Holiday Inn Mission Valley Stadium
  • 2



David Gibson, Executive Officer, San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board


The San Diego Region Water Quality Control Board in 2011


$25 for members, $30 for non-members, add $5 if reservation is not received by 5pm the Friday before. Walk-ins with no reservation will be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.


The California Regional Water Quality Control Board regulates the discharge of waste and enforces the Federal Clean Water Act and State Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act in the San Diego Region from South Orange County and Riverside County to the US International Border and east to the crest of the Peninsula Mountain Range. With nine Board Members appointed by the Governor (confirmed by the State Senate) and a staff of 70 scientists, engineers, and geologists, the Regional Board issues NPDES Permits, Waste Discharge Requirements, section 401 Water Quality Certifications, enforcement orders, and ensures compliance with the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin. As Executive Officer, I am responsible for providing detailed analyses and technical and political recommendations to the Regional Board on all actions taken by the Board and administering and carrying out statutory powers and duties delegated to the Executive Officer by the Regional Board per Water Code Section 13223 and acting on the Regional Board's behalf in daily contacts with a broad spectrum of top-level influential representatives from all phases of government and private industry. My presentation will provide a brief overview of the Regional Board, key water quality issues facing the region, and future directions for the Regional Board.

Speaker Information:

Dave Gibson is the Executive Officer of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. He graduated from San Diego State University in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. At the Regional Board since 2000, Dave has worked in the Storm Water, Clean Water Act section 401 Certification, Grants, Non Point Source, TMDLs and surface water quality monitoring and assessment. Prior to joining the Regional Board, he was an Entomologist and Watershed Biologist for the City of San Diego Water Department. He founded the San Diego Stream Team in 1998, a non-profit citizen monitoring organization that performs biological assessments of San Diego's rivers and streams. He has trained over 500 agency staff, tribal members, students, and members of the public on stream ecology, bioassessment, biocriteria, and wetlands protection in southern California. Dave Gibson is a fifth generation San Diegan.

Menu:  Chicken Greek Salad or Vegetarian Greek Salad



Holiday Inn Mission Valley Stadium
3805 Murphy Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92123


Directions:Directions from the North: Take I-15 South; exit Aero Drive; Right at light; Right again onto Murphy Canyon Road, Right at light into hotel lot.

Directions from Interstate 8 and South: Get onto I-15 North; exit Aero Drive; Left at stoplight and cross back over highway; Right onto Murphy Canyon Road, Right at light into hotel parking lot.


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