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  • SDEP July Luncheon - Remediation at Former Bermite Facility in Santa Clarita

SDEP July Luncheon - Remediation at Former Bermite Facility in Santa Clarita

  • Tuesday, July 11, 2017
  • 11:30 AM - 12:59 PM
  • Rock Bottom Brewery - La Jolla
  • 25


Remediation at Former Bermite Facility in Santa Clarita

Speakers:        John Heiser 

                        Justin Gough

                        Kyle Higgs

Innovative Construction Solutions (ICS)


The Former Bermite Facility, located in Santa Clarita, CA, is a 996 acre property formerly used to manufacture fireworks and munitions from 1934 to 1987.  Located in the heart of the Santa Clarita Valley, the project is under careful scrutiny of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), as well as the City of Santa Clarita and 10 other stakeholders.  Planning is currently underway for multi-use redevelopment of the property which will include residential, commercial and public use/open space. 

Remedial activities include over 1.3 million cubic yards (CY) of impacted soil to be excavated and treated onsite and removal of over 300,000 CY of clean overburden soil from 70 locations across the property.  The locations vary in size, layout and complexity, requiring expertise in grading, slope stability, shoring installation and removal, as well as proper handling, transportation and processing of impacted material, moisture conditioning, placement and compaction.  With so many locations, processes and chemicals of concern (perchlorates, metals, VOCs, etc.), this project requires extreme care and diligent scheduling to execute.  In addition to soil remediation, the project includes construction of nine separate soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems, as well as two groundwater extraction & treatment systems (GETS). 

Over the past 3 years, ICS has remediated 36 of the 70 impacted locations treating over 670,000 CY of perchlorate impacted soil by ex-situ, bio-remediation.  The soil is excavated and transported to a processing area where it is screened, water conditioned, injected with a proprietary solution and placed in treatment cells (98 cells which are 25’ wide x 125’ – 185’ long x 5’ tall) where the chemical constituents are transformed into innocuous substances through microbial metabolism.  The soil is then tested and once shown to be clean is transported back to previously excavated locations where it is placed, water conditioned and compacted to design specifications.  Another 9,000 CY of soil impacted with other contaminants of concern (CoCs) have been excavated and transported to off-site disposal facilities.  Seven of the nine proposed SVE systems and two GETS have been constructed including the 500 gpm Saugus Aquifer Groundwater Treatment Plant (SATP) which includes a fluidized bed reactor (FBR). 


Mr. John Heiser is a California Registered Professional Engineer (Civil & Geologic) with over 28 years of engineering, construction and project management experience in the environmental industry.  His expertise includes providing engineering design, supervision and construction management for groundwater and soil/landfill vapor remediation projects.  Mr. Heiser has assisted in the design and has managed the construction of numerous groundwater and soil vapor extraction treatment systems including multi-million-dollar treatment systems in the aerospace, chemical and various other types of manufacturing, land development and other industries. He has worked on numerous commercial development sites where environmental system infrastructure and development worked side by side. His experience also includes hazardous waste site investigations and corresponding feasibility studies, remedial action plans and technical specifications.

Mr. Justin Gough completed a BS in Systems and Industrial Engineering and has 16 years of leadership and management experience in environmental construction, civil construction, and military service.   Mr. Gough’s environmental construction background includes ex-situ remediation of soil as well as installation of groundwater extraction systems and treatment plants.  Mr. Gough’s extensive civil project experience ranges from building system upgrades to heavy civil projects such as roads, bridges, landfills, waterways, tunnels, and reservoirs.  Mr. Gough is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), a Lean-Six Sigma Green Belt, a prior naval officer and holds an MBA.

Mr. Kyle Higgs completed a BS in Geology and has 10 years of experience in environmental construction and consulting. He has worked on a wide range of projects from overseeing multi-phase extraction system installations to leading various geophysical mapping efforts above the Arctic Circle. Mr. Higgs’ expertise lies in the development, management, implementation, and costing of environmental remediation efforts from small- to large-scale projects involving various local, state, and federal agencies for a number of private sector clients. Mr. Higgs’ environmental background includes ex-situ soil remediation through bioremediation, thermal desorption, and off-site disposal; in-situ and ex-situ groundwater remediation by zero-valent iron injections and traditional pump and treat systems; and, soil vapor extraction.


$30 for members, $35 for non-members, add $5 if reservation is not received by 5pm the Friday before. Online registration will end at noon on the Monday before the event. Walk-ins with no reservation will be charged an extra $10 and be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.

Please note that confirmed reservations will be invoiced regardless of attendance.

First Pitch Drawing

FIRST Pitch Fund raiser for SDEP scholarship! Here is your chance to throw the opening pitch at the start of the game in August. Tickets $10 per each and will be sold at the monthly SDEP luncheons leading up to the game. The winner will be picked at the July SDEP meeting (winner does not have to be present at drawing).  


-Classic Mac & Cheese
-Pulled Pork Sandwich
-Fish & Chips



Rock Bottom Brewery
8980 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037 


Directions from the North: Take I-5 or I-805 S to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn right off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Make your first left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Directions from the South: Take I-5 or I-805 N to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!


Job Postings:

Did you know that the SDEP has a job board? Now Members and Non-members can post job opportunities that their companies may have on our website.  Visit for details or contact the following for more information:  


Kathy Vandenheuvel

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