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  • SDEP July Luncheon - The San Diego Bay Regional Harbor Monitoring Program

SDEP July Luncheon - The San Diego Bay Regional Harbor Monitoring Program

  • Tuesday, July 12, 2016
  • 11:30 AM - 12:59 PM
  • Rock Bottom Brewery - La Jolla
  • 34


Presentation Slides



Chris Stransky, MS

Aquatic Sciences Group Manager
AMEC Foster Wheeler


The San Diego Bay Regional Harbor Monitoring Program


$30 for members, $35 for non-members, add $5 if reservation is not received by 5pm the Friday before. Online registration will end at noon on the Monday before the event. Walk-ins with no reservation will be charged an extra $10 and be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.

Please note that confirmed reservations will be invoiced regardless of attendance.

First Pitch:

For the upcoming Summer Social at Padres Stadium on August 23rd, we have again been given the opportunity to throw out the first pitch!! Don't forget to purchase your First Pitch raffle ticket at the June luncheon.  Raffle tickets are $10 and all proceeds will be donated directly to the Red Cross.  The winner will be drawn and announced at the July Luncheon.


The San Diego Regional Harbor Monitoring Program (RHMP) encompasses Dana Point Harbor, Oceanside Harbor, Mission Bay, and San Diego Bay. The County of Orange, City of Oceanside, and City of San Diego are stakeholders under the lead of the Port of San Diego for RHMP. This effort has been conducted in coordination with the southern California bight-wide monitoring program managed by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP), known as Bight ‘13 this year. The RHMP includes collection and analysis of surface sediment for chemistry, toxicity and benthic infauna at a total of 70 sampling locations. Water column sampling, benthic community analyses, and food web bioaccumulation studies have also been conducted as a part of the RHMP. These efforts are supporting various regulatory monitoring requirements, as well as on-going activities related to a more holistic and integrated assessment of current risk to wildlife and humans from bioaccumulative compounds. This presentation will highlight the overall goals and challenges specific to the RHMP, as well as the key questions addressed as the program evolves over time. Historical activities related to changes in environmental conditions in San Diego Bay will then be highlighted, emphasizing the importance of regional programs to provide both site-specific and large-scale context to better understand overall conditions and better prioritize future efforts.

Speaker Information:

Chris is the Aquatic Sciences Group Manager at Amec Foster Wheeler in San Diego. He has over 18 years of experience managing a diversity of environmental programs centered on both marine and freshwater aquatic environments. He has specialized expertise in areas related to ecological assessment including the design and interpretation of toxicity tests, causal assessment, and development and use of innovative methodologies such as in situ testing.  Regulatory compliance support under the Clean Water Act is central to many of the programs managed by Mr. Stransky. Chris has overseen many programs in San Diego Bay beginning with his Master’s thesis project evaluating sediment contaminant effects on juvenile California Halibut and White Seabass using the bay as a nursery ground.  



  • VEGGIE BURGER (vegetarian) 



Rock Bottom Brewery
8980 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037 


Directions from the North: Take I-5 or I-805 S to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn right off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Make your first left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Directions from the South: Take I-5 or I-805 N to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!


Job Postings:

Did you know that the SDEP has a job board? Now Members and Non-members can post job opportunities that their companies may have on our website.  Visit details or contact the following for more information:  

Kathy Vandenheuvel

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