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  • SDEP May Luncheon - San Onofre Spent Nuclear Fuel as a source of Safe Green Energy

SDEP May Luncheon - San Onofre Spent Nuclear Fuel as a source of Safe Green Energy

  • Tuesday, May 10, 2016
  • 11:30 AM - 12:59 PM
  • Rock Bottom Brewery - La Jolla
  • 35


Presentation Slides



Eric Robinson

CEO, Omnisafe Co. 
President-San Diego Thorium Energy Alliance


San Onofre Spent Nuclear Fuel as a source of Safe Green Energy.


San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station – Has been shut down.  It has three nuclear reactors that ran for 24 – 30 years, producing 1600 Metric Tonnes of Spent Nuclear Fuel which is stored on site.  The fuel, with a half life of 10,000 years, is stored 13 Feet above high tide, on a fault line, on a critical freeway, and next to a military base.  The current plan is to leave it there for at least the next 25 years.

There is an innovative reactor developed by Nobel Prize physicists 45 years ago that can consume this spent nuclear fuel and produce $36.5 billion dollars of electricity with no green house gas emissions.  The challenge for this program is educational and political but the benefits would be a solution to the pollution, resource wars, and energy poverty produced by our current energy policy.


$30 for members, $35 for non-members, add $5 if reservation is not received by 5pm the Friday before. Online registration will end at noon on the Monday before the event. Walk-ins with no reservation will be charged an extra $10 and be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.

Please note that confirmed reservations will be invoiced regardless of attendance.

Speaker Information:

Eric Robinson has a BS in Chemistry and MS in Robotic Systems.  He has lived in San Diego with his wife and two kids for 10 years.  He owns a business that produces components for a leak proof fluid delivery system with applications in the semiconductor, nuclear and aerospace industries.  Some of these fittings are on the Curiosity rover exploring Mars and on the DAWN Mission in the asteroid belt.

For the last eight years Eric has been fascinated with a safe Generation IV nuclear reactor powered by thorium as essential to stop Green House Gas emissions, end wars in the Middle East, and end global energy poverty.



MARGHERITA PIZZA - (vegetarian) 





Rock Bottom Brewery
8980 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037 


Directions from the North: Take I-5 or I-805 S to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn right off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Make your first left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Directions from the South: Take I-5 or I-805 N to La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left off the freeway onto La Jolla Village Dr. Turn left on Villa La Jolla Dr. Turn right into Rock Bottom parking lot.

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!


Job Postings:

Did you know that the SDEP has a job board? Now Members and Non-members can post job opportunities that their companies may have on our website.  Visit for details or contact the following for more information:  

Kathy Vandenheuvel

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