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  • SDEP September Monthly Meeting

SDEP September Monthly Meeting

  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • 12:00 PM - 12:59 PM
  • Holiday Inn Mission Valley Stadium


Registration is closed


Alan Jeffrey, PhD

Senior Geochemist

DPRA/Zymax Forensics


Isotope analysis to assist in remediation and contaminant source identification.

Link to Presentation:

Alan Jeffrey Chlorinated Solvent Forensics Sept 2010.pdf


$25 for members, $30 for non-members, add $5 if reservation is not received by 5pm the Friday before. Walk-ins with no reservation will be asked to wait until those with reservations are seated.

Speaker Information:

Dr. Alan Jeffrey is Senior Geochemist at DPRA/Zymax Forensics in Escondido, California.  Dr. Jeffrey received his PhD in Chemical Oceanography from Texas A&M University for research using stable isotope ratios to determine the origin of natural gas.  He has over 20 years of U.S. and international experience in environmental and petroleum geochemistry.  Much of his work has focused on the use of geochemical and stable isotope techniques to solve environmental problems, including sources of spilled hydrocarbon fuels and chlorinated solvents, and fugitive methane seeps.

Dr Jeffrey has written over 200 proprietary reports related to hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent contamination.  He has been retained as an expert witness in 36 cases, and has testified at trial or been deposed in 7 of these cases.


Menu: Panko Chicken or Garden Burger



Holiday Inn Mission Valley Stadium
3805 Murphy Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92123


Directions:Directions from the North: Take I-15 South; exit Aero Drive; Right at light; Right again onto Murphy Canyon Road, Right at light into hotel lot.

Directions from Interstate 8 and South: Get onto I-15 North; exit Aero Drive; Left at stoplight and cross back over highway; Right onto Murphy Canyon Road, Right at light into hotel parking lot.


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