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  • !!LAST CALL!! -- SDEP May Field Trip Luncheon

!!LAST CALL!! -- SDEP May Field Trip Luncheon

  • Tuesday, May 12, 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 12:59 PM
  • Miramar Landfill - 5180 Convoy St. San Diego, CA 92111
  • 14


Last CALL!!!

Reminder, no walk-ins will be permitted. All attendees must pre-register online.


SDEP May Field Trip Luncheon:


Miramar Landfill


Miramar Landfill Facility Tour and Presentation 


$30 for members, $35 for non-members. Online registration will end at 5 pm on the Friday before the event. 



The Tour will cover landfill operations regarding waste recycling, and operations and management of the Miramar landfill gas collection system.

Landfills are a highly regulated and engineered facilities that are utilized to keep disposal waste separated from the land and water in the surrounding area. Modern landfills are composed of cells that are filled with waste which generate methane gas as a by-product of the decomposition process. Methane gas if not collected has the ability to cause subsurface fires and contribute to poor air quality. The methane gas that is collected through horizontal and vertical wells within the waste is directed to onsite treatment facilities. Depending on the quality of the gas, the gas is either treated or diverted to an electrical generating facility.  The electrical energy is typically either used to supplement landfill operations or delivered to the local electrical grid.

Waste recycling is a process for recovery of useful materials, such as paper, glass, plastic, and metals, from the trash to use to make new products

Members: please sign up early for this popular event!

Tour Information:

Please arrive early enough to park to ensure you do not miss the bus.

Bus Leaves: 12pm

Tour duration: approximately 1 hour.

Bus returns 1pm


Lunch will be catered at the Landfill.



*Note: change in venue:

Miramar Landfill

5180 Convoy St.
San Diego, CA 92111

Parking: To Park, From the CA 52, Stay in the far right by-pass lane and proceed slowly past the fee station building. Just past the fee station building is a dirt turn out with ample parking. The bus will pick up / drop off from parking location.

Miramar MAP

Members: please remember to login in with your email and password before registering to ensure you receive the member price!

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